The Arc - Here Is What You Need to Know About This Year's F&H Cares Recipient

The Arc, as its website says, “is the largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and serving them and their families. We work tirelessly to uphold our vision that every individual and family living with IDD in the United States has access to the information, advocacy, and skills they need to support their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.”

The organization started in 1950 when parents and community members began advocating for their children, and now its charter network contains more than 600+ chapters. The group’s mission is multifold: it seeks to protect and increase state, local and federal support services for the IDD community; it assists with individual and public policy advocacy; provides residential, educational and vocational services along with recreation activities, among other things.

Arc history

What’s in a Name?

The world was different in 1950 when The Arc began. Little research was available on intellectual disability (then called “mental retardation”) and developmental disability, and few programs existed to support people with IDD or their families. In fact, many doctors would tell parents to send their children to institutions.

The Arc sought to change that. Throughout its existence, the organization fought for better state and federal legislation for people with disabilities and developed a support network of state and local chapters. As the group changed perceptions and living conditions for those with IDD, its own persona developed. As the organization explains on its website, words do matter and it “evolved its terminology to reflect the desires of people with disabilities,” changing from the National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) its name from 1953 to 1973 to the National Association for Retarded Citizens (NARC) from 1973 to 1981 to Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States (ARC) from 1981 to 1992 to its current title, The Arc of the United States (The Arc).Arc two people sitting

What Is F & H Cares?

Fabrics and Home chose The Arc as this year’s F & H Care’s donation recipient. This is part of an ongoing annual company mission to help school-aged children who are affected by one of the 13 disabilities listed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by donating 25 cents per yard for each yard of fabric sold from fabrics purchased on our website. Through this initiative, we hope to provide students, families, teachers and staff affected by a disability with resources and support.Julia, Sesame Street character

See more of The Arc’s history.

the arc

Learn about F & H Cares

the arc in newspaper

 All photos provided by The Arc.




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