A sense of coolness, the ability to be comfortable anywhere, an unforced charm; these traits capture the visionary textiles within the Peter Dunham collection. Recognized worldwide as an innovative force, Peter Dunham’s fabrics have been featured in House Beautiful, C Home and Veranda Magazine.The word panache, a dash of style and flamboyance, captures the look of Peter Dunham Textiles.
The Peter Dunham collection is an eye-catching blend of California casual and European elegance with a dash of global spice. It is an eclectic style that is bold yet refined. Striking patterns of tribal designs turn heads, while classic looks that recall English gardens still endure. Many of these hand-printed fabrics are available in both indoor and outdoor textiles, opening up a world of possibilities for any design project.
Peter Dunham’s world view was formed by growing up in France, summering in Spain and going to school in England. Each place he traveled became one more sphere of influence he would translate into his designs. Today, based in Los Angeles, Peter Dunham’s unique vision can be found in showrooms across the United States and internationally.