The Coraggio story is one of heritage and deep traditions that have been forged and passed down over several centuries. The story begins in the small rustic town of San Leucio, which is located near Naples in Southern Italy. In the 1700’s, the area was known and revered for its thriving silk factory and textile mill that was commissioned by King Charles III of Spain. Hundreds of years later, by pure happenstance, the founder of Coraggio textiles was whiling away time in a San Leucio café and heard about the amazing history of the idyllic town. He was enthralled and mesmerized by stories of the royal textile mill, most specifically about a special fabric called Gandolfo - a unique jacquard that was used in making the holy vestments of Pope Pius VI.
Inspired and impassioned by this discovery, Coraggio’s founder decided to spearhead a renaissance of San Leucio by reopening the royal textile mill. Of course one of the main fabrics he produced was the traditional Gandolfo jacquard in addition to plush sheers, luxurious Mohair velvets, fine quality leathers, exceptional silks, soft velvets and much more. For the last 30 years, Coraggio has established itself as one of the leading names in Italian Renaissance upholstery and upscale home furniture textiles. Coraggio fabrics are known and respected worldwide for their exceptional quality standards and the precise attention to detail in the manufacturing of the products.
Ultimately the story of Coraggio revolves around the romanticism and timeless artisanship of the Old World merging seamlessly with the innovation and creativity of modern times. From the historical scenic town of San Leucio to the major style capitals of the world, Coraggio is a name that represents undeniable excellence and enduring royal tradition.